[Day 206] Finishing the Stock Market Analysis zoomcamp (for now)

 Hello :)
Today is Day 206!

A quick summary of today:
  • last homework from Stock Market Analysis Zoomcamp
  • Uploading neo4j scripts to the KB project repo

Over the past 4 weeks, my lab mate (Jae-Hyeok, the same guy with whom I am doing the KB project) and I have been covering another couse by DataTalksClub - the Stock Market Analysis Zoomcamp. The course introduces basic concepts and strategies for creating models that can potentially invest in stocks. Today was the 4th week since we started it and was the last homework, related to working with a financial model workbook to modify and analyse stocks, focusing on Random Forest tuning, reducing feature sets (to see difference in results), predicting strong future growth (investing in cases where the stock growth is above a fixed treshold), and developing an ideal trading strategy.

Above is an example resulting graph from one of the questions. We compare models based on CAGR (Compound annual growth rate), and there are various models - random forest, decision trees, a basic rule of thumb model with CCI > 200.

Given this is the last homework (noting there is a 5th video but no homework, related to deployment) we ought be thinking about a project. However given that we have to concentrate on our Kukmin Bank AI competition project we will delay this until after we submit our competition project (11th of Aug).

On another note ~ the KB project

Tomorrow is our final meeting for this week (as I am writing I realised we met every day this week haha), and we will discuss next steps, as next week I am going on holiday and what we can do separately during that time. 

The plan was for me to set up database interaction scripts (upload to and extract from neo4j), so that while I am away JH (JaeHyeok for short) can use the data to create different models that try to predict fraudulent transactions. I did this today, and I uploaded them to out GitHub (the repo is private for now, until we submit it for the competition). 

The scripts upload data into neo4j, creating CreditCard and Merchant nodes, and using Transaction as the edge going from a CreditCard to a Marchant. 

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :) 

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