
Showing posts from March 26, 2024

[Day 85] How to write a great research paper

 Hello :) Today is Day 85! A quick summary of today: An amazing  talk  about how to write a great research paper by Simon Peyton Jones Submitted a draft for a research proposal for next semester I actually saw this talk after, writing the short proposal, but still it kind of motivated me for next semester. Tips on how to write a great research paper by Simon Peyton Jones ( talk ) 1. Dont wait, write! This forces is to be clear, focused Crystallises what we don't understand Opens the way to dialogue with others: reality check, critique, and collaboration Writing is the way to develop your idea 2. Identify your key idea! Your goal: to convey a useful and re-usable idea You want to infect the mind of your reader with your idea, like a virus Papaers are far more durable than programs Do not be intimidated Fallacy: you need to have a fantastic idea before you can write a paper Don't wait to have a good idea. Write stuff about any idea We only discover ideas are good later The ...