[Day 120] Starting Stanford's CS246: Mining Massive Datasets + MIT's Intro DL
Hello :) Today is Day 120! A quick summary of today: started MIT's Intro to deep learning 2024 course started Stanford's CS246: Mining massive datasets Last night I saw a notification that MIT is going to livestream their first intro to DL lecture on youtube (from their 2024) course, and this morning I decided to check what it's about. This is the official website, and it will provide lectures + homeworks. The course lectures will go from 29th April to 24th June. And the schedule is: As a 'basics lover' I am excited to go over old and hopefully new material. I am excited to see MIT's take on teaching intro to DL. The summary of the 1st lecture is bellow It started it where DL fits with AI and ML. Gave a general and very well put (as expected for MIT) explanation of a neuron/perceptron Provided an example of a simple neural network Also, how does the network know how wrong it is? Thanks to the loss However, using the whole dataset to update the weights W (Gr...