
Showing posts from May 26, 2024

[Day 146] MLOps zoomcamp module 2 homework + some more prep for Microsoft x NVIDIA's hackaton

 Hello :) Today is Day 146! A quick summary of today: did 2nd homework from MLOps zoomcamp on experiment tracking covered some material on devops on Azure MLOps zoomcamp Module 2 homework on experiment tracking The homework link is here . The homework followed the below outline: Install mlflow Preprocess NYC taxi data Train a model with autolog Launch a tracking server locally Tune model hyperparams Promote the best model My code for it is on my github . The used model was a random forest regressor using rmse as the main evaluation metric. The homework was more focused on running mlflow commands rather than the preprocessing/training (which were done in Module 1 of the course).  Below is a graphical comparison of some of the models I ran I had to set up logging and mlflow db for a sample run Run hyperparam optimization  And finally choosing and registering the best model For a bit I faced an issue with the params passed to the model because they were missing (initially not logged in th