
Showing posts from August 6, 2024

[Day 218] ML canvas for the KB fraud transaction detection project

 Hello :) Today is Day 218! A quick summary of today: creating an ML canvas for the KB project rewatching LLM zoomcamp module 4 - monitoring Just like with the fraud insurance claims project , I created an ML canvas: Finally, I can share the repo as it is public. Here is the link The ML canvas took most my time today and also just small checks to make sure that the repo can be easily reproduced using the current code and instructions. Today I also rewatched 4th module on monitoring for LLMs from the LLM zoomcamp. How come? I saw that the 5th module is finished, and before I cover it I wanted to check everything from the 4th module again. The 5th module covers orchestration using my good ol' friend Mage.  That is all for today! See you tomorrow :)