[Day 183] Failing to install Kubeflow, and setting up mlflow on GCP
Hello :) Today is Day 183! Today is actually past the half-way point in this blog journey. 182 days to go! A quick summary of today: setting up mlflow for experiment tracking in GCP Today I started looking at tools I can use for my MLOps zoomcamp project. I used Mage for the data engineering project so now for an orchestrator I want to try another tool. My first idea (which I had on my mind for a while) is Kubeflow. Tldr - it is so hard to set up locally and I could not find a guide that clearly explains how :( I had this 1hr video in my 'to watch' for a bit and it goes over building an ML pipeline in kubeflow however it does not go over how to install from kubeflow from 0 to what is needed in the video. Then I started looking in kubeflow's documentation - I tried to set it up on GCP but I could not and actually was a bit adamant to use it because it explicitly said that the free credits on GCP do not cover kubeflow hosting costs. So ~ I started looking into local depl...