[Day 61] Stanford CS224N (NLP with DL): Machine translation, seq2seq + a side CDCGAN mini project
Hello :) Today is Day 61! A quick summary of today: Covered Lecture 7 : machine translation, seq2seq, attention from Stanford CS224N Tried to make a conditional DCGAN to generate MNIST numbers ( colab ) ( kaggle ) I will first cover the GAN story (then will share my notes from the lecture) So... while watching and taking notes today, I started thinking, what if I can use my notes as data to a model and afterwards, when I want, I can give it raw string text and it will output text in the format of my notes (with my handwriting). Well I started looking around and actually the first model architecture that came to my mind was the GAN (specifically conditional GAN) - I remembered there was a GAN architecture that alongside the pictures, we can give it the labels, and then on-demand generate. In retrospect, there are of course others, but I decided to go with GAN. For maybe 2 hours I busted my head trying to make a simple model with the EMNIST dataset (english characters), and I ...