[Day 166] Buying a new book + pseudocon in Seoul + using Gradio for a quick demo app

 Hello :)
Today is Day 166!

A quick summary of today:
  • went to a big book store and bought a cool little book 

Firstly, about the pseudocon

It was decently big - many people. And was organised in the same Microsoft office area as the Microsoft Azure hackathon I attended a few weeks ago. 
Some interesting bits from the sessions which covered a wide range - open source, genAI, AWS, stable diffusion and games. 
  • Found out that firebase has free db hosting (again?). I used it back in 2018 when I was initially learning about webapp dev so I might give 'an old friend' a try again
  • Found a nice community of AWS learners - startAWS
  • There was a session on using AI to generate characters for games. It is a touchy topic among gamers and even more among artists, but it is something that as presented today 'can massively decrease cost'
  • Also in the final session I got some extra resources for building RAGs (in Korean)

Secondly, about my new book

Next to the microsoft office is a big book store where I know they have imported English books. So I had a look at the probability/stats section for something interesting. And this one was just 10,000 won (~10$) which was very surprising for an imported book. I read a bit on my ride back home, and it includes topics like: multivariate analysis, matrix algebra, displaying multivariate data, tests of significance with multivariate data, measuring and testing multivariate distances, PCA, factor analysis, discriminant function analysis, cluster analysis, canonical correlation analysis, multidim scaling, and ordination. Not new topics, and not topics that I have not read about in other books. But I like having books in my personal library, and importing foreign books in Korea is very expensive for me. So I will happily read this one. 

Thirdly, a demo webapp for the Glaswegian dataset

Today in the free holes of time I got, I wanted to create a small demo app so that my Scottish partner can use it to test different audios so that we can continue adding audio to our dataset. Initially, I wanted with streamlit, but then I realised that huggingface spaces exist. 

With the above few lines of code, the webapp is hosted in just a few seconds. Amazing ^^

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :) 

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