[Day 148] Microsoft Azure hackathon Day 2

 Hello :)
Today is Day 148!

A quick summary of today:
  • attended day 2 of the Microsoft Azure hackathon in the Microsoft office in Seoul

Today ~ we tried. The 3rd challenge from yesterday - deploying an AI-powered chat app... well we could not do it today either. Turns out all the teams were facing the same issue and I was trying to fix errors on that 3rd task. The main issue was at the last step - deployment and people were getting some kind of os error. At some point I got that too, and after trying to fix it I started getting another error in regards to access (felt like I went a step back maybe haha). In the end ~~~ It was not possible, and the 4th challenge which was about testing the app from the 3rd challenge was not possible to complete either. 

Then I moved to the 5th one. Part of it was setting up an indexer that reads documents, then setting up a model that recognizes and read different parts of invoices (pics below)

Actually I realise now as I am writing that I did not take much pics while working today because we were just trying to get something finished while fixed tons of errors coming our way. Also from our team (3, including myself) noone had any Azure experience so we were diving into the deep by ourselves. After the model was trained and tested. We had to set up a 'pipeline with BPA'. BPA stands for business process automation but there was no such service on Azure and we just kept trying to see how to do a normal pipeline with data, the model and deployment. At this point the 5th and 6th challenges came together because they both involved deploying a model + pipeline but time was pushing so we were just looking at how to deploy a 'BPA pipeline' on Azure. I found some online tutorial about using Azure's Document intelligence and I was following it but I kept getting errors again haha. Another part of the challenge was to deploy an OpenAI service resource and contrary to the rest of the day - this actually worked without any problems haha. 

At the end of the 2 days ~ I learned a lot about Azure and its ecosystem - storage, models, AI service, access - and some issues someone might face when using it. 

As a goodbye, we were given some gifts too (pen, cup, tshirt of the hackathon)

Thank you to Microsoft Korea for inviting me :)

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :) 

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