[Day 136] AWS Summit Seoul Day 1

 Hello :)
Today is Day 136!

A quick summary of today:

  • Attended day 1 of AWS summit Seoul and sat in the 'banking, finance and fintech' talks - everything was related to AI (not surprisingly haha)

It was all in Korean, so below I will try to give a general overview of the attended sessions + some extra activities that I did. 

Something funny and interesting. There was a booth where you took a picture and your face was put on a medieval/pre-historic/renaissance figure. It is an event in Korea so I was curious whether it can recognise white people faces, and below is supposed to be me

Haha. Interesting ^^

There was also a football kick booth where I queued for around 30mins to shoot twice and to try to kick and score with the highest speed (I placed rank 24 with 72km/h kick on target). They also had a model that takes a picture and puts a football jersey on the person

Next, about the sessions. 
They were all in Korean (the slides as well) and even though I took pictures putting them here would be no good. 
It reads finance and fintech

There are also many boots with various company and got plenty of free goodies

The sessions I attended were:

  1. How Hyundai card uses AWS' big data platform
  2. Using the cloud in health insurance businesses
  3. (From a different topic) AI and ML in manufacturing
  4. How Shinhan Bank uses the cloud
  5. How KBank moved to and uses the cloud
Some covered topics were: on-premise vs the cloud, AWS devops services, MLOps services, data storage, architectures (picture), customer services through AWS, AI banking, 6 checks whether a service is well-architectured (operating excellence, protection, safety, efficiency, cost reduction, maintenance), SageMaker.

There is plenty to learn about AWS. I felt like a kid today that had just heard the names of some of AWS' services like SageMaker.

Tomorrow is Day 2. Looking forward to it!

That is all for today!
See you tomorrow :)

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