[Day 92] Starting the official Stanford XCS224W: ML with Graphs

 Hello :)
Today is Day 92!

A quick summary of today:
  • got access to the lectures + assignments of XCS224W: ML with Graphs on Stanford's platform, and covered Lecture 0: Intro to ML with Graphs, and
  • Lecture 1.1: Traditional ML on Graphs

Similar lectures may be found on youtube

Learned about graphs and their application, nodes, edges, adjacency matrices, different types of graphs (undirected, directed, weighted, unweighted), features that help predict nodes, links between nodes and entire graphs, graphlets, clustering coefficients, way more in the notes below ^^ 

Lecture 0: Intro to ML with Graphs

Lecture 1.1: Traditional methods for ML on Graphs

The rest of lecture 1 covers:

1.2  Node Embeddings and 1.3  Link Analysis: PageRank, Random Walks, and Embeddings

After which I am supposed to do Assignment 1. Exciting stuff in the next days/weeks!

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)

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