[Day 81] RAG from scratch - chunking is very important!

 Hello :)
Today is Day 81!

A quick summary of today:
  • Continued with my custom RAG from scratch project - extracting knowledge from a bank's terms and conditions (github repo)

So, yesterday my main struggle was reading tables. I remembered gemini can read pictures so I gave the below to gemini to try to read and give me the text. 
The output, not very good. Gemini could not read this table very well, and such tables were common in yesterday's PDF
Yes, this is an image, but even if a powerful gemini LLM could not read this table and output it as text, for now at least, I gave up on this particular PDF, and looked for one with a bit more straigh-forward text and less tables. 

The newly chosen pdf is here: on github

Now... given an allegedly more simple pdf, I used the code as it was to get outputs. But the results were just... really bad. Most times even though the scores were high, and the top-1 included the exact answer, the output was  ~'the context does not include {query} information'.

I decided to go back to the start, where I preprocess the pdf, and explore more chunking mechanisms. I found this youtube video exploring different chunking methods.

It covered:

  1. Character split (which I was using)
  2. Recursive character split
  3. Document spcific splitting
  4. Semantic splitting
  5. Agentic splitting
The youtuber mentioned that the default method he uses is the 2nd one - recursive character split, so I decided to move from 1. to 2., and explore how recursive splitting improves my process. 

This is the final text_splitter I went with:
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1500, chunk_overlap=0) (tbh, I am writing this blog now and 1500 might be an overkill)

I played around a lot with chunk_size and chunk_overlap - to see the effects, and I don't think I mastered knowing the impact yet. I am sure 1500 chunk_size is even that good. Frankly, in the preprocessing there are other components like splitting, regex-ing characters - maybe there are better ways to do these. It will take trial and error to figure this. 

The query list I used to see results is:

Base prompt is like this

I am yet to explore different prompting strategies. So far only concentrated on the preprocessing step. 

After settling on chunk_size 1500 and chunk_overlap 0, I decided to streamline the process a bit, so I created executable preprocess_pdf.py and rag.py files - can be seen in the repo.

As for results, they are incosistent... 

Example is this 'What is meant by Business Day?' query.
The top-1 context includes the answer, but some times I get the answer, sometimes I do not.

I shared my code on reddit and on some ML discord server, to look for advice. But tomorrow I think I shall concentrate on finding a better chunking method. 

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)

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