[Day 49] KAIST's AI503 Mathematics for AI (Continuous optimization, When models meet data, Linear regression)

 Hello! :)
Today is Day 49

Quick summary of today:

Continued with AI503

  • Continuous optimization - Chapter 7
  • When models meet data - Chapter 8
+ 8.6 Model selection
  • Linear regression - Chapter 9

I think I found a good method for studying these topics:
1) Read the chapter
2) Check the professor's slides to see which points He brough up
3) Take notes while reading the chapter again

I am not sure I like how the photos look on the page (yesterday's blog) so I will share a google drive link folder of my notes. 

But also upload them below.

Continuous optimization

When models meet data

Linear regression

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)

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